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The Frederick Douglass Organization
Organization Profile
The Road We've Trod
- Frederick Douglass High School, Baltimore, MD, Commencement Speaker, June,
2004 (FDIV) and 2005 (BJ)
- University of New Orleans, Chancellor's Inaugural Lecture Series
- Louisville, KY (Presentation to 5000-Plus School Children, Kentucky International Convention Center)
- Dedication of Frederick Douglass Avenue, Brockton, MA
- National Heritage Foundation, President's Roundtable, Ronald Reagan
- Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral, New Orleans
- Second Baptist Church of Detroit, 2004 Annual Emancipation Observation
- Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN
- Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Florida Memorial College, Miami, FL
- Central Michigan University
- Ball State University
- Kennett Underground Railroad Center, Kennett, PA
- African American Heritage Festival, Camden Yards, Baltimore, MD
- Brooklyn Friends School, New York City
- Kansas African American Museum, Wichita, KS
- Frederick Douglass Museum, Washington, DC
- YMI Cultural Center, Asheville, NC
- Smyrna Opera House Rededication, Smyrna, DE
- Adrian College, Adrian MI, Lecturer-in-Residence for eight days
- Enoch Pratt Free Library System, Baltimore, MD
- Paine College, Augusta, GA
- Bryant College, RI
- Oakwood College, Huntsville, AL
- Frederick Douglass Banquet, Riverside Convention Center, Rochester,
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site, Atlanta, GA
- International Longshoremen's Union, Black History Month Observation,
Tacoma, WA
- African Meeting House, Boston, MA
- Charleston, NC, Public School System
- Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA
- Augusta Focus Newspaper, 20th Anniversary Celebration, Augusta, GA
- Amistad Slave Ship Festival, Baltimore, MD
- Association of African American Museums, Conference 2001, Cleveland,
- Christiana Historical Society, Christiana, PA
- Chattanooga African American Museum, TN
- Frederick Douglass Day, Las Vegas, Nevada`
- Brockton Historical Society, Brockton, MA
- Yale University’s Gilder Lehrman Center for Study of Slavery,
Resistance and Abolition, Yale Club
- Harmony Grove Research Center for the African Diaspora, MA
- Gloucester, VA 350th Anniversary Celebration